Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Nobel Prize for Literature - 2016 - Another Miscarriage of Judgment

I have nothing against Bob Dylan. His music has changed the world in ways that politicians and other "influencers" can only dream of. What I do have an issue with is the fact that the Nobel committee keeps compounding their incompetence and overlooking authors of incredible caliber. It seems as if they were doing this on purpose, as if their main goal was to draw from pool of candidates based on the candidates' political weight. I have said here before that the Nobel Prize for Literature has turned into nothing more than a colossal joke, a geo-political, feel-good exercise that ends up not fulfilling its duty, but rather presenting the public with a thin-veiled facade of politically-correct shams... year after year. Bob Dylan is a genius. His music changed an entire generation into seeing what was possible, a world with more progressive and accepting ideas. His songs challenged the orthodoxy and the establishment when it was dangerous to do so. Little by little, people listened and acted... today's world is the result of not only Dylan's music but hundreds and thousands who stood up and really changed the world (a phrase that is thrown around today without reserve). I could list writers whom I believe are more deserving, but I am getting tired of doing this every year. Eventually, when writers like Philip Roth (among many others) pass away, we will collectively regret this geo-political, feel-good sham. Hopefully, the Nobel Prize committee will see the light, but I highly doubt it.

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